Garden Tour & Picnic


Audrey has been working hard lining up our itinerary for the Annual Garden Tour. It looks like a very interesting line-up, lots of emphasis on vegetable gardening. The garden tour is on July 23. Maps, sequence of visits and directions will be available at Tuesday’s meeting. You must attend Tuesday’s meeting for a print copy, none will be available on the day of the tour. If it is a hot, sunny day, remember to wear a hat. The club will provide bottled water, if you don’t bring your own.

Following the garden tour, our annual fabulous Potluck Picnic starts at 4:30pm in Audrey’s garden. At our meeting on Tue. there will be a sign-up sheet to let us know what potluck donation you will be bringing. Also, if you are bringing someone, please indicate that on the sign-up sheet. Although children are welcome, it is more of an adult-oriented event. Please no pets. Normally 60 people attend the picnic; your potluck contributions should serve 10 people. The club provides beverages including wine and non-alcoholic beverages. Please remember to bring your own plate, glass, mug and cutlery. One of the highlights of the picnic is entering to win the Stump Trophy. Audrey has been working on the Stump Garden Quiz. Good luck to all who enter.



Audrey has been working hard to line up gardens for us to visit on July 18. I believe she has 5 lined up. Maps, sequence of visits and directions will be available at Tuesday’s meeting. You must attend Tuesday’s meeting for the print copy, none will be available on the day of the tour. Remember to wear a hat as it will probably be quite warm. The club will provide bottled water.if you don’t bring your own.

Following the Garden Tour our annual fun packed potluck picnic starts at 4:30pm at Audrey’s. On Tue. night there is a sign-up sheet on a table in front of the fireplace. You need to tell us if you are attending, whether you are bringing someone and what you are planning to contribute. Although children are welcome, it is an adult-oriented event. Please no pets. Normally around 60 people attend; your potluck contribution should serve 10 people. The club provides beverages including wine and non-alcoholic choices. Be prepared to enter the Garden Stumps quiz.


New Westminster Horticultural Society Garden Tour

Audrey has lined up 6 or 7 gardens for our Annual NWHS Garden Tour. They are fairly close together, so there won’t be a lot of driving. Details will be available at the July 8 meeting.

Following the garden tour is our wonderful club potluck picnic. It will be held at Audrey and Steves’ house. There will be a sign-up sheet at the July meeting so you can indicate what you will be bringing to contribute to the potluck. The club will provide wine, a non-alcoholic punch, coffee and tea.

We ask everyone who comes to bring their own cutlery and plate. We are providing mugs and jam jars for drinks. As there is a limited number of chairs, those of you who have a convenient folding chair please bring it along.

New Westminster Horticultural Society Garden Tour

Other Local Garden Tours

Art in the Garden

Saturday, May 28 & Sunday, May 29, 2016
12:00-5:00pm both days, rain or shine

The Art in the Garden Tour is a 2-day self-guided tour of North Shore gardens held by the North Vancouver Community Arts Council. 

Admission is $1 per adult per garden.
(please note: there are no tickets for this event, admission is collected at each garden)


Saturday & Sunday, June 13 & 14, 2015
10:00am-4:00pm, rain or shine

This unique and inspiring Tour has long been considered one of BC’s top horticultural events. Every two years this tranquil island throws open its garden gates, inviting the public for a rare up-close look at the creativity, skill and passion Denman residents pour into their properties.   

The next Denman Island Home & Garden Tour will be held in 2017. All proceeds go to the Denman Conservancy Association, a Registered Charity which, with the support of this Tour, has protected over 700 acres of Denman Island.

Tickets are available now, at early bird prices, $18.
Buy your Tickets Here!


Sunday, June 21, 2015
10:00am-4:00pm, rain or shine

On the day of The East Vancouver Garden Tour pick up your map at Figaro's Garden Centre (1896 Victoria Drive at 3rd Avenue).  Enjoy coffee, juice, and goodies (by donation), pick up your tour map, and then head off to the gardens.

Tickets are $12 per adult. Get your tickets ahead of time at Figaro's (in person) or at Britannia Community Services Centre (in person or online or by phone 604-718-5800). This event often sells out.


7:00 pm Meeting begins - Club business
7:30 pm Tea/Refreshments
7:45 pm Draw
9:30 pm Meeting ends

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Our other events include the spring plant sale, a summer garden tour and picnic, bring-and-share and year-end dinner.

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Monthly To Do List

It's March! Time to start planting, pruning and fertilizing. You will find a monthly list of gardening tips and "to dos" appropriate for every time of the year.

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No meeting in January; Christmas Party in December. Regular meetings with a Speaker all other months.

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"If you are interested in gardening and horticulture, this is the club for you!"